The cultivation of lies
A movie is coming up. Because he is being opposed, the film gang is promoting him too. That's why today Bachchan in KBC will call him to fool Indians.
This is the same Khan whose wife was afraid of in India. Who were you afraid of? We from 100 crore Hindus? Because they have never had any problem with terrorists. They are their heavenly brothers.
This film shows that army is very bad.
America imposed war on small Vietnam. Then there were many Americans who were against this meaningless war.
The same battle reference is found in Tom Hanks film "Forest Gump" when Forest tells his friend- "I don't like killing anyone but my mom wants me to join the army! "
This scene of Forest Gump contexts Vietnam being the victim and the villain of America.
Look at the disgusting mind of Pakistanist Aamir Khan, retarded Lalsingh in the corrupt, cheap, foolish copy of Forest Gump says this dialogue in the context of Kargil war. Does Aamir Khan want to say that Kargil war was forcefully imposed by India on Pakistan? Does Indian army kill innocent people? Was Kargil a Pakistani territory where the army was forcefully entered?
What will happen if there is no army?
Tibet had no army of its own. China grabbed Tibet in jokes. Tibetan's non-violence did not support him.
Emperor Ashok in India opposed war and army so much that many young Buddhist monks started becoming. Surgery also banned in the name of non violence. After this, for a long time Indian kings thought that non-violence is good. War and Army is a very bad thing. The result is that we have been under foreign robbers for 700 years.
Anti-Army propaganda will weaken if we don't watch this movie.
Decision is ours because army is ours.