Our parents' generation is something else only.
1. Born in newly independent India. Mostly resource-constrained families.
2. Their parents had avg life of 45-50. So many of them lost their parents very early.
3. Had 5-7 siblings, sometimes more. Parental love and resources were always limited/divided.
4. Started careers in the 70s and 80s. Took decades to build their nest. Suffered through emergency in initial career, actually made decent income only after 20 years of service - independent of industry.
5. Women were housewives by default. So many of us have brilliant moms with 'If only she...' stories.
6. Had one or two kids only, overcompensated with love and resources. Best schools, colleges, nutrition.
7. Today, these kids are educated well, have double-income busy lives, and the parents have become grandparents and in their 60s and 70s are happily taking on the physical and emotional load of firsthand parenting their Peppa Pig grandkids. Fully taken for granted.