Steps to cancel a pending transaction after MetaMask sign in

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Once you enter the world of crypto, it becomes hard to leave. Not because the industry forces you or anything, but instead, you’ll be the one who will not want to leave this platform ever.

Once you enter the world of crypto, it becomes hard to leave. Not because the industry forces you or anything, but instead, you’ll be the one who will not want to leave this platform ever. Crypto trading is quite addictive once you get the hang of it. But to do all this, you need a perfect wallet that will store your crypto funds with full protection to the stored crypto coins. Due to increase in the cybercrimes, people vary from trusting any software wallet. 

But Metamask sign in is an exception, you can trust this wallet for the protection and it will not disappoint you. However, this blog is not an overview of the common things about MetaMask, instead, it is about the procedure, one needs to follow to cancel a transaction after the MetaMask sign in. Thus, if stuck in a similar situation, follow the blog here.

Transaction Cancellation procedure on MetaMask

Cancelling in other terms means the processing of a 0 ETH transaction from going through the blockchain. If you want this outcome, then follow the procedure below:

  1. Open the MetaMask official website extension or the mobile application.
  2. Execute the steps of MetaMask sign in.
  3. In the other tab open the website through which you check the transaction status of a network.
  4. From the website homepage, navigate to the option of the pending transaction.
  5. Through the search box, look for the particular transaction you want to cancel.
  6. If the transaction status is pending, use Nonce in the transaction.
  7. Copy the nonce, and head back to the MetaMask, and if not logged in yet, quickly perform the MetaMask Sign in steps.
  8. From the menu option in the left corner of the screen, you will see the option of Send, click on it.
  9. Now select the option of ‘Send Offline’. (You do not have to be offline to execute this).
  10. Execute a transaction with a 0 ETH balance with a high gas fee and copy the Nonce from the clipboard.
  11. Click Generate Transaction option.
  12. From the screen copy the signed strip that starts from ‘0x’.
  13. Scroll down a d little bit towards the footer section and opt for the option ‘Send Offline Helper’.
  14. In the new text box, paste the copied string from the step 12. 

With the execution of these fourteen steps, a transaction hash will appear on the screen, copy it, and review if the cancellation took place or not. However, wait for a few minutes to check as it is not possible to update quickly. 

Final Thoughts!

MetaMask will not charge you for anything to cancel the transaction, you only have to pay for the gas fee and nothing else. One thing to remember is that you cannot cancel every transaction, but only the ones that have their transaction status as pending. Therefore, always check the transaction status after MetaMask sign in before canceling it.
