Top Tips to Write Thesis or Dissertation Methodology

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In qualitative studies assumes that the researcher plays a role in observing the world around them and therefore reality is unique to each observer.

In other words, reality is observed subjectively. These are just two philosophies but they demonstrate significantly different approaches to essay Writing help in Liverpool research and have a substantial impact on all of the other research design choices So, it is vital that you clearly detail and  justify your research philosophy at the of your methodology chapter as it sets  the scene for everything that follows. Design choice number two, the research type. The next thing you will typically need to discuss in your methodology chapter is the research type. The starting point for this is to indicate whether the research you conducted is inductive or deductive. With inductive research, the theory is generated from the ground up. In other words, from the collected essay writing help expert online data and therefore these studies tend to be exploratory in terms of their approach. Deductive research on the other hand starts with an established theory or set of theories and builds onto it with collected data. Therefore these studies tend to be confirmatory in approach. If this terminology sounds like gibberish to you be sure to check out our other videos and blog posts where we break down some of the  core concepts in research methodology. As always I will include links below. In this section of the chapter, you will also need to indicate whether your study adopts a qualitative, quantitative  or mixed methods methodology. As I have mentioned there is a strong link between this choice and  your research philosophy. So, make sure that your choices are tightly aligned. Again when you write this section up remember to clearly justify your choices as they form the foundation of your study.   With those choices set down, it is time to talk strategy well, research strategy at least. Design choice number three, the research strategy. The next design choice you will need to discuss is your research strategy.  In other words, your research action plan several research strategies exist including experiments, case studies, ethnography, grounded  theory, action research and phenomenology. Let us look at two of these. Experiments and ethnography to see how they contrast,  experimental research  makes use of the scientific method where one group  serves as the control group in which no variables  are manipulated and another group serves as the  experimental group in which a specific variable  of interest is manipulated. This type of research is undertaken under strict conditions in a controlled artificial environment for example  within a laboratory. By having firm control over the environment, experimental research strategies  often allow researchers to establish causation  between variables. In other words, to prove that X causes Y So, an experimental research strategy  can be a good choice if you have research aims  that involve identifying or measuring cause  and effect.
