Do More In Half The Time! Study Smart Rather Than Hard

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What if I told you, you can do TWICE the amount you're doing right now in HALF of the time?! Watch this video to find out how to study more effectively!

So increase your fuel and your motivation to study think about it and write it down, tell people why you are doing this I'm doing this because I want to become a doctor an engineer, an top college essay writing help entrepreneur, a social activist, a campaigner. And at the same time remove the blocks that are stopping you remove the activation energy required for you to start studying. So before you go to bed at night have your notebook out and ready on your desk make sure it's free of any clutter, even have the pen ready so the only thing you have to do is sit down and start taking notes you don't even have to write the title or the date because those things are already done and what you want to realize here is that success.

Success is a setup it's not an accident, so make it happen that way plan and set yourself up for success. Habits, let's talk about habits because as much as you want to be motivated if you want these things to be effortless you need to build habits. Now think about brushing your teeth every morning when it comes to brushing your teeth it doesn't require motivation you don't watch a top illustration essay writing help motivational video for you to brush your teeth or for you to go to the toilet or for you to put your shoes on in the morning. The only thing you do is you do the habit and so by building habits you make it easier and easier for you to execute the thing that you need to do. habits don't require motivation So how do you build the habit of studying effectively? you start small you start with a small habit and you progressively make it harder and harder.

So you might start off at the beginning with doing 10 minutes in the morning and then your goal is simply to be consistent for two weeks just studying 10 minutes every morning, very focused, very effective and then you make it 15 minutes, 2 weeks again, very focused, very effective and then you move to 20 minutes and the next thing you know you're doing two hours every single morning before you even get to school, college or university and you graduate your habits gradually over time. The problem that a lot of us have is we try and do too many things at once focus on one thing and that brings me to my next point. Know what it is that you're looking for, when it comes to revision, when it comes to studying So be smart about it, you don't have to learn everything. The examiner, the teacher in the classroom know what it is that they are looking for play the game because this studying game that you're in right now, this period of your life Some of the things that you're learning are functional and some of the things that you're learning are lifelong practical things. So know the difference, if there is something that you need the examiner to see If there is a way that you need to present your essays if there's a way that you need to present the information give it to them that way. Hard work is going to beat talent when talent doesn't work hard which brings me to my next point.

It's not just about good genetics it's not just about what you're capable of you might be the smartest student in that classroom Just like I was but if you don't work Just as hard as the 20, 30 other people in that room they're gonna beat you, they're gonna destroy you and when it comes to that day at the exam they put in more hours than you, they studied better than you they looked at past papers, they spoke to other students about what they needed to do and they were just sharper when it came to that moment like a samurai who keeps his sword sharp when the moment came to strike they didn't hesitate they only needed one opportunity and I want you to be as sharp as you possibly can So focus on putting in the hours. So we got two more points left and these are probably the most important I need you to really hear me now when you study.

I don't want you to study like a student I don't want you to study like anyone in your classroom I want you to study like a lecturer. Now imagine the way that your teacher or your lecturer studies for the classroom if they were sitting that exam, if they were sitting down for that study session what are the things that they would do differently? what are the books that they would read differently? what kind of research would they do? and really get yourself into their shoes, into their mindset because that's what's going to take you 10x forward It's gonna take you ten steps further than you are at the moment. If you think like a beginner, you're gonna prepare like a beginner but if you learn to think like a master like the lecturer, like the person who's teaching everybody else what level of preparation would that require? And then act in accordance with that. And the final most powerful practical technique when it comes to studying smart is what's known as the Loci method or the Loci method and to keep it simple it means this if you're trying to learn a new language, let's say you're learning Spanish Use your room, use your house that you live in to hold different memories in different places. So I used to use this when I was studying for French. I'd keep all of the things related to sports in one room I'd keep all the things related to common conversations in my kitchen and I would put labels on things, the spoon in my kitchen drawer I knew exactly if I was looking for that information it's my spoon in the drawer and if I look at the label in my mind I can see the word associated with it. So use this, so when you're walking around your house your house has now become a study session and you're walking inside that matrix you've hacked the system So even when you're sitting down to have dinner and you look up you can see the revision notes for that module that you found difficult and every single day you're coming back to what I talked about at the beginning of this video that spaced repetition, you're repeating what you need to remember again and again you've got that depth of processing. The reason this is powerful is because you've created an immersive studying experience and that's what the greats do. There is no line between studying and not studying, there is no off switch there's just different levels of immersion. So imagine if you were living in your textbook and you made your physical environment a representation of all the things that you need to learn you're walking around in this palace of information. And I want to leave you with the most powerful quote of all when it comes to education.

There is no end to education, there is no end to the things you learn it's not that you read a book, you pass the exam, and that's it you're finished the whole of your life from the moment you're born to the moment that you die is a process of learning So if you can apply the things here you've scheduled your learning, you schedule what you're going to learn when You space your repetition out, you remix things so you can remember you get to the spot, you cut out the distractions, you increase your motivation and you remove the blocks you start with small habits and progressively make them harder and harder and harder You know what it is that the person you're studying for is looking for so you learn those things, you're practical about it you know that hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work you study like you're a lecturer and not student and you use that Loci method to turn the environment that you're in into a wealthy Palace of Education. There is no reason why you can't achieve more, do more and like I said at the beginning of the video, you make your studying more effective so you could do twice as much in half the time and now it's become effortless, exciting and fun. and those are the 11 ways that we do it accept only the best and nothing less.
