Top 10 Digital Business Transformation Trends in 2021

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<p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr">The recent coronavirus pandemic has taken the world by storm and sent tremors throughout the world. This has affected all forms of business globally, attacking many aspects of our daily life. Our modes of communicating with each other, our purchasing behaviors, and even our pre-existing business models have been severely affected. </span></p> <div> </div> <div class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"> </span></div> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr">The only thing that has kept us moving is the way we handle the businesses through digital transformation methodologies. <strong><a href="">Digital Business Transformation</a></strong> includes methods and approaches to take the existing businesses to the online platform using advanced digital technologies. The process helps in accumulating new customers, increasing sales, and building a better brand image and helping business flourish . </span></p> <div> </div> <div class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr">Let’s dig in the possible Digital Business transformation trends 2021, that are very likely to be trending: </span></p> <div> </div> <div class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"> </span></div> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"><strong>1. Revolutionized User experience </strong></span></p> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr">2021 is not only about making the best products and services, but developing new and innovative web embraced digital experiences in the form of <a class="_2qJYG _2E8wo" href=""><u class="sDZYg">advanced websites</u></a>, <a class="_2qJYG _2E8wo" href=""><u class="sDZYg">web applications</u></a>, <a class="_2qJYG _2E8wo" href=""><u class="sDZYg">true native mobile apps with the finest UX</u></a>, smart chatbots, and harnessing augmented reality. Organizations are choosing to extend the use of segments and incorporation of the backend, which contributes to a better user experience. </span></p> <div> </div> <div class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"> </span></div> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"><strong>2. Development of better AIs </strong></span></p> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"><strong>Artificial Intelligence (AI)</strong> is the next big thing in 2021, to enable human capabilities and understanding. Artificial Intelligence(AI) is a critical factor while strategizing for those who want to reflect their business on a larger scale in the digital transformation journey. It has contributed to an increase in the use of ML in computing. It acts as an enabler of creative and efficient solutions that directly affect the momentum and competition of the market and the experience of the customers. </span></p> <div> </div> <div class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"> </span></div> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"><strong>3. Application Programming Interface (API)</strong></span></p> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"><strong>Application Programming Interface (APIs)</strong> is a central element of the <a class="_2qJYG _2E8wo" href=""><u class="sDZYg">Digital Business Transformation</u></a>. They may seem like basic code strings, but they do go beyond the language of programming. APIs ease the interaction between various applications, make it possible for developers not to write code from scratch and open new digital services.</span></p> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"> </p> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"><strong>4. Remote Work </strong></span></p> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr">In this day and age, working from home has been a major game-changer for digital transformation for many big companies. Many employees opted for remote work due to the lockdown situation all over the world. This scenario has motivated a lot of major economies to survive the pandemic. This could be an alarm for organizations all over the world that remote work is here to stay and you can manage your business from anywhere, anytime. </span></p> <div> </div> <div class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"> </span></div> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"><strong>5. Semantic search </strong></span></p> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr">A semantic search implies the ability of search engines to decode the intent and contextual meaning of search phrases when asked to serve the results searched by people. It gives a lot more meaning while searching, making it easily discoverable by both the users and the search engines. It helps in better manipulation of the search results that can help your <a class="_2qJYG _2E8wo" href=""><u class="sDZYg">business grow digitally</u></a>. </span></p> <div> </div> <div class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"> </span></div> <div> </div> <div class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"> </span></div> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"><strong>6. Sustainable Growth</strong></span></p> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr">The 'go green' initiative is a mass application that is being backed up by the digital businesses, when going digital (paperless) an enterprise is saving a lot of paperwork which in turn helps to be ecologically active and help preserve the environment. With almost every enterprise going digital, sustainable development will see a new era in 2021. A whole new generation of communication i.e 5G is being implemented for faster and more efficient digitization of the enterprises.</span></p> <div> </div> <div class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"> </span></div> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"><strong>7. Ease of doing business </strong></span></p> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr">Digital transformation of organizations has led to the ease of doing business, the government is also going digital soon to improve the rankings of the country globally. By going digital, companies are becoming more reliant on online platforms that are much faster and flexible to attract customers and generate more revenue for them. </span></p> <div> </div> <div class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"> </span></div> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"><strong>8. Cybersecurity </strong></span></p> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr">Keeping your data safe becomes critical when it is easily accessible, Cybersecurity becomes a necessity for a successful digital business transformation. To make sure that your organization's network is safe, you need to implement the most secure codes to ensure the security of your data. This in turn helps in improving the customer experience. </span></p> <div> </div> <div class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"> </span></div> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"><strong>9. Blockchain </strong></span></p> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr">Blockchain is a key player in digital transformation for enterprises in 2021, it can be understood as a data structure that secures the transactional records along with ensuring security and transparency. It is the center of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and will be a step closer to being the prime transaction management technology for enterprises. It will be a sure shot technology in <a class="_2qJYG _2E8wo" href=""><u class="sDZYg">safeguarding your data, validating transactions, and verifying users hence maximizing the ROI of the ERP</u></a>.</span></p> <div> </div> <div class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"> </span></div> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"><strong>10. Hybrid Cloud </strong></span></p> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr">Hybrid cloud can be termed as the future of Digital Business Transformation, it is one of the best infrastructures for digitizing your business. Cloud possesses all the vital features for keeping pace with the fast-changing digital world. The <a class="_2qJYG _2E8wo" href=""><u class="sDZYg">hybrid cloud</u></a> facilitates rapid testing, implementation, and deployment of new technologies by allowing organizations to efficiently manage public and private cloud applications and services together. Latest mobile apps can connect with core systems so that all of their features can be brought into action by a business.</span></p> <div> </div> <div class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"> </span></div> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr"><strong><u class="sDZYg">Final Words</u>:</strong></span></p> <div> </div> <p class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"><span class="vkIF2 public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr">Digitizing your business is the best choice for a business in 2021, it can help enterprises to access and manage the business from anywhere and anytime. Along with being easily accessible, digital business transformation is also helpful in gaining more customers and building a legitimate brand image globally. </span></p> <div> </div> <div class="XzvDs _208Ie _1atvN _2QAo- _25MYV _2WrB- public-DraftStyleDefault-block-depth0 public-DraftStyleDefault-text-ltr"> </div> </div>
