Except in Diablo 4 it's currently one or the other

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While this feature is a small quality-of-life change compared to the other missing features, it's one of the most highly-requested in the community.

Instant Dungeon Resets (from the beta)

The Diablo 4 betas had certain restrictions in Diablo 4 Items place to limit the progress any player could make, although, at the same time, there were certain features that accelerated the experience. Specifically, the Diablo 4 betas gave players the option to instantly reset Dungeons upon completion. With the full game now available, Blizzard has removed this feature, with the reasoning that players should complete new dungeons instead of farming specific ones repeatedly.

Map overlay

While this feature is a small quality-of-life change compared to the other missing features, it's one of the most highly-requested in the community. Past Diablo games have included the option of viewing the map while still fighting and exploring, except in Diablo 4 it's currently one or the other.

Diablo 4 has a gold problem, according to the frustrated voices from its community, as many players struggle to invest in new builds due to the tall prices of Enchanting items or resetting a Paragon Board. A highly contentious topic since launch, the cost of fine-tuning a character's build at endgame in Diablo 4 runs counter to the design philosophy established in Diablo 3.

For all its initial faults, Reaper of Souls set Diablo 3 on the right track, and eventually established an addictive gameplay loop centered around Greater Rifts and easy-to-understand item upgrades. Though Diablo 4 attempted to strip away some of the power creep that Diablo 3 was infamously known for, it has caused a bit of a rift in the community.

Whereas Diablo 3 encouraged players to build their abilities and passives around the loot they discovered, Diablo 4 instead dares players to stick with their build in search of the best possible item roll. This approach is primarily enabled by the lack of any convenience when it comes to changing talent tree nodes or clearing Paragon Boards in Diablo 4, as well as the exorbitant prices on services that Diablo 3 players have come to rely on.

Fans found a way to voice their disgruntlement through a thread started by Frost_King907 on the Diablo 4 subreddit, pointing out the issues with the game's economy. Gems extract a heavy cost from players seeking to upgrade them, yet the end product ultimately sells for an insultingly low amount of gold barely even worth the inventory slot. The price of clearing a Paragon Board can easily pass five million gold, with the total cost to reset one's build being approximately eight-and-a-half million.

An important point to keep in mind is that Diablo 4 is the first Diablo game that actually puts a value to gold at endgame. Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 have largely rendered it meaningless as a currency, as it was ultimately a hassle not worth balancing. Given the emphasis on spending and farming gold in Diablo 4, it makes sense that players are more invested in where their money goes and why their expenses make no sense. The convenience that has come to define the genre over the past two decades is gone, and fans can't help but wonder if that's the right direction to take Diablo 4 in.

Ultimately, the heart of the issue for Diablo 4 players is the simple fact that gold gets in the way of fun for some of them. The combat in Diablo 4 is considered by most fans to be the best in the franchise, which is why some members of the community feels disappointed by the cumbersome systems that surround an buy Diablo 4 Gold otherwise exciting foundation. Though Blizzard has continuously teased Diablo 4's first season, it may take a while till the game truly finds its footing with its most hardcore fans.
