Top Tips for Students | Learn Language and Money

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I went on student exchange to Italy last year. Here are my best tips for a future foreign exchange student, and the things I wish I had remembered from the start.

So make them speak the language too and try it they start on to the last point because I too was so embarrassed to try speak it when I was like but I can't do it do as much as you can if you think you can't speak it do as much as you can say words here and there if you only knew if you only know if you weren't use them in your english engineering essay writing experts in UK sentences give it a try please be confident people always said this to me and I was like but how can I speak the language if I don't know what you learned so much more than you expect just from trying to use the little bit you do know and he won't remember.

The embarrassment he felt when you stuffed up but you will remember the language you learn my fourth tip is to focus on where you are literally as cliche as it is going on exchanges or once-in-a-lifetime chance she leave and travel wherever you want in the future you'll be good essay experts writing experts in UK you'll be able to go back to the country and live there if you'd like but you'll always be a tourist to be living by yourself you'll never have the same level of immersion again it was actually crazy as boring as Italian school was I kept reminding myself I was like wait I'm sitting in a class and he's surrounded by Italian students you won't get to see that again you won't get to live with the random Italian family ever again you won't be able to run around it's a teenager with no responsibilities and hanging out in a foreign country but you will get to return to your proper country in no time at all I promise you when you get back people are going to say what it feels like he just left you won't lose your friends your family will still be there everything will still be the same when you get back to enjoy where you are when you're in exchange and don't spend so much time online / doing things that you can do in your normal country in your exchange country.

It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance to make the most of it go visit the country there's always more to see there's always more learn about it go speak to a native go walk around nothing's happening back home they're living their boring lives so go make all your friends jealous and have the craziest exchange ever just don't waste your time talking to them my sixth tip is to always say yes to everything there were so many times when you asked to do something don't hesitate don't say no because you think it may be boring or or you need to watch the latest epic your Netflix TV show you can do that another time there's always something to gain from going out with friends or hanging out with your host family doing something with them if your host mom asks you if you want to go to the supermarket with her do it do it say yes it's really interesting going to find supermarkets and comparing them to your own back home say yes to everything that comes away because that will be the things you remember forever you can fall into a pattern of just getting snow come to Belen a place where you just think oh this is it this is my normal life now why would I go out my host family just asked me to go to the church with them while we go that's boring then when you get back you realize that was crazy that was not your normal life at all you got nothing you have staying home whereas if you went to the church you could have met people you could have seen another side of their culture you could have listened to music in their language you could have strengthened your relationship with your host family you'll never regret saying yes and my last tip is something a bit more practical and that's to keep track of your money owner how or why but unexpect so much money but the thing is I wasn't being crazy and reckless and just like throwing it everywhere Arthur as being pretty good with my money but it just disappeared and drained it can be so hard against the mentality of thinking in the translation from their price through the currency right to your price and when you're actually spending even though I kept reminding myself okay if I see a price it's basically double with my money you still see the price and you think three years that's cheaper you can get these apps where every time you buy something you put it into the category in the top and how much you spend and it's really helpful and a good way of keeping track of just where you spent or even just have you write it down in your notes I did this for a bit until accidentally deleted that and it was just really good because even though I was spending a lot of money it didn't feel like it was being wasted it not good keep track of where I was going and I wish I'd done it the whole time because at the end I came back in negative $1000 debt to my parents nose like but where did that money even go I just like went out a few times look what happened keep track of your money you'll be thankful for it later but other than that just have the best on everyone exchange so as much as you can exchange can be the best experience of your life but it's in your hands to make it.
