4g wireless tracker forgot login password What to do

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4g wireless tracker https://www.eelinktracker.com/4G-GPS-Tracker/

After installing 4g wireless tracker, it is necessary to use the computer or mobile phone app to monitor and manage the vehicle. Sometimes when the mobile phone is lost, the mobile phone is replaced or the system is reset, the software will be lost. At this time, what should I do if I forget the login account password or even which app I used?

1. forget the gps positioning login password and account

If you remember the name of the mobile car search app, you can download the app and retrieve the password, or consult the phone according to the company of the app to get the gps account or password

2. Forget the name of the gps car search app

This situation is recommended to contact the seller who purchased the locator.

4g wireless tracker https://www.eelinktracker.com/4G-GPS-Tracker/
