Weapon Showcase Episode 82: The Lordsworn's Straight Sword Featuring the Elden Ring

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Consequently, if you truly want to wave your straight sword with both hands, you should wave my straight sword in accordance with the power route that I have planned

Consequently, if you truly want to wave your straight sword with both hands, you should wave my straight sword in accordance with the power route that I have planned. Because each of them only has one hand, we will demonstrate today using a straight line. Then we have the color red and the badge plus two for the enhancement of HP, as well as strong human feelings plus two for the enhancement of HP endurance and equipment. The horizontal slash is the chain attack for the one-handed light attack. My preferred forward thrust is the R2 button. The running R1 is only a horizontal slash, but it has a good range and is very suitable for grasping and rolling. If you follow where to make cheap Elden RIng items, you might also get an upward slash. It is possible to link the two of them together.


Another type of forward momentum; therefore, if you happen to land, you can use it as a mix; for instance, they will become disoriented if you jump very hard at them. You can use them as a rolling ball to get closer to your opponent because they have a good range at the beginning of L1.

Simply use the L1 button to attack. You can manually aim for the second follow-up, and then you have a jump double light attack if they happen to roll anywhere around you. This is useful if they do happen to roll around you. After that, you are able to launch a running attack. A thrust is followed by a diagonal line as shown here:We have discovered that we do not frequently make a diagonal line, but the thrust can be effective; however, they almost always avoid the second part of the running attack. It's possible that we'll use a more traditional crouching R1. Because square fall is the original Dark Soul 3 weapon art, it will be our first topic of discussion. Our next opponent is posak. Good day, sir! Please take a look at this enormous sword and this massive shield. Wenteresting settings. Let your gain begin, sir. okWe consider him to be comparable to a super tank. We are interested in learning more about the quality of this sword.

Cut in behind. That is the cheap Elden Ring items that we are looking for. It's pretty sweet how wet is. There are three Xs in total.

Oh, it is very attractive. In this game, counterattacks have the potential to deal significant damage. Very funny. We have a combination for you that ends in a bow for your convenience. What are you shaking for, exactly? Oh, you're thinking of the ant sword. It's true that he's rocking a wizard building, but it isn't just any wizard.

Excellent and entertaining battle, Mr. Cyprus. Even though we comprehend the reasoning behind his actions, the fact that he did them still made it significantly more difficult for us to continue the fight. We have been frozen. In any case, we are able to scale well, in an augmented reality that is quite similar on the power deck, to allow frostbite to develop.

However, he does have his wacky spear, which is called a Vickers wall spear. This is not at all terrible in terms of the amount of damage it deals.


What if we bring you a little bit closer


  • Why, Hello, Hello, I hope to see you again

  • Oh, gravity

  • We want to see if we can combine these two different forces

  • That's really neat to hear

If you jump, he will want to jump again after seeing you do it. In how many more spells are you going to put me under? Oh my goodness, some of my friends are on Facebook.

Let your bumps continueTake what is rightfully yours. However, the bottle of medicine that should be given to those two individuals has not yet been prepared. Wet doesn't matter. Permit me to take an in-depth look at you. My land and my meme are both things that we want to try. Oh, wait, oh, oh,We used a curved sword instead of a straight one.

Continue our last battle. We have grandma Leno. Is that the axe that Godfrey used? Oh, hello there, he just turned on his lantern.

The use of Godfrey's axe is also very much appreciated by us. okay. We made our way into absolute ab after launching our assault from our starting castle, soul. He possesses a powerful core.

They can be found standing next to the tomb. Hello, guys. We have no choice but to engage in combat with these individuals. At least it's not very good. They have a wide array of AoEs.

You don't have more FP. When we successfully avoid the backstab, rest assured in your ability. Ha ha, he doesn't like it. We went behind him and stabbed him.

At this point, we are in the Pharaoh misura that has collapsed. Please help me out with my fingers. Indeed, what an odd place to be born, all things considered. Therefore, they are most likely the best ones working under me.

We are going to walk there, despite the fact that we anticipate there will be significant risk. Good day, it sounds like we'll be able to have a fair fight for honor. etama, come back, that was almost like stabbing you in the back. No, Mr. Are you able to assist your son?

Brother, despite the fact that he is feeling down. A stealthy passing it was, wet. Oh, wait, we just remembered that we had intended to cool down and detonate my bomb weapon before my invasion, but we were prepared for the invasion, so we first prepared cold physics, such as why my physics is cold?

We are going to reset it. Now is the time to join our final invasion. We've found ourselves on the Nicholas Hague family tree. We have located it. Hosti: Hello, Mina. Oh, all right, that makes perfect sense. Is there anything that I can do here? Now, these are the fights that have been planned for you to participate in today. I can't express how grateful I am. I am grateful that you decided to watch.
