MMOSO - WotLK Classic DPS Tier List, Best DPS for Phase 1

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In Wotlk Classic we saw a new metadata appear.

Fill your raids with warriors, rogues and mages. Thankfully TBC fixed all of these issues and finally sees the meta back in balance as we move into Wotlk, Wotlk is definitely going to change meta, it's going to bring new classes to the fore, and it's definitely offering More classes have a chance to shine.

At the end of the day, since this is a Classic Class and it contains a lot of known knowledge, we are left with some very important outstanding classes. Below you'll find our list of the best raid/PvE DPS spec tiers. It's important to note that Blizzard won't make any #Changes for Wotlk. As always, you should always play the specs that you find interesting, this list is only there to help guide you.

As usual with the tier list - most specs are available throughout the expansion, and you should play what you like. But if you like to be the best, here are some great options.

S Tier:

Assassination Rogue
Arcane Mage
Frost Death Knight
Unholy Death Knight
Affliction Warlock

A Tier:

Demonology Warlock
Survival Hunter
Marksmanship Hunter
Shadow Priest
Fire Mage
Balance Druid

B Tier:

Feral Druid
Combat Rogue
Enhancement Shaman
Retribution Paladin
Elemental Shaman
Arms Warrior

C Tier:

Destruction Warlock
Fury Warrior
Beast Mastery Hunter

D Tier (imagine the gap between C and D is really large:

Subtlety Rogue
Frost Mage
Blood Death Knight

WOTLK Classic S-Class DPS
So you just upgraded your lovely new DK and want DPS? Well, you are in luck, because DK DPS will be very powerful. While it will have its ups and downs throughout Wotlk, the DK will remain one of the strongest options. Otherwise, it's a standard thing in terms of DPS. Assassinate thieves will do well early on, and combat may take over later in the expansion. For distance courses, here are the two you would expect. With their DOT's ability to crit in Wrath Classic, Pain Locks become invaluable.

It's also partly due to the more melee-oriented combat in Naxx, which isn't much of an issue with pain, since they don't need to cast spells. Finally, the Arcane Mage. Arcane will wobble and only drop when Rage ends. At that point, you can just switch to Fire and everything will be fine.

WOTLK Classic Class A DPS
O hunter, while you may not be at the absolute pinnacle of rage, you will still find a place in the raid. While BM won't do well in Wrath, MM and Survival will do well. Balance Druid and Demo Lock follow, both of which will shine, although Balance loses out to its heavyweight brethren later on. As for Demo, they're always a step behind Affliction, but not by much. Shadow Priest isn't just a mana battery in Wrath, but is often seen smashing those DPS meters.

Providing your guild will give you DPS instead of healing, that is. The last level is the Fire Mage. If you don't like the arcane mage's playstyle, the most logical option is that fire will shine in rage.

WOTLK Classic B Tier DPS
We call this layer the "unstable layer". These specs will be jumbled together in Wrath. Ret and Arms would be two very good examples of "late game norms". Both have a solid start (more Ret than Arms), but both will come into their own later in the expansion. The good news for Paladins is that you can heal or tank before that. It's a tough expansion for Shaman, and neither spec is likely to shine, except for 6/10.

Enh might struggle more overall, and even putting them in B as a first tier might be a bit generous. Wildness grows into rage, so stick with it during the Knox. A similar story to Combat, Assassin will outrun you early, but you'll be your own person later.

WOTLK Classic C Tier DPS
Here's a brief review of each of the three options:

Destro - probably won't be an extension for you. Maybe try the demo, or drop everything and throw DOT at people.

Fury - As a Fury Warrior, it won't be as fun at first. But with each raid level, you get stronger. So stick with it, keep your anger under control, and you might be a top DPS in phase 4

BM Hunter - just play MM or survive

WOTLK Classic D-Class DPS
Sub Rogue - Hey, back to the arena, this isn't for you!

Frost Mage - I really don't know what to say. My memory of "OG" Wrath is hazy, but I'm guessing that throwing ice cubes at people isn't much use in an expansion full of ice cubes.

Blood DK - You are a tank. You are the tank. You are the tank.

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