What is Whizzinator Kit?

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It is also against state and local laws in some jurisdictions to resell or use the device for any illegal purposes. In those cases, the user would be subject to criminal and civil penalties, as well as a potential loss of license or certification. The product is legal in all other states a

The Whizzinator was invented by two guys after they were caught selling drug paraphernalia to beat observed urine drug tests. Its kit includes a flesh tone fake penis, a bottle of Gold’n Shower lab grade dehydrated synthetic urine (refillable), heating pads and detailed instructions.


It looks and smells just like real urine but is safe and clean. It also comes with a clear-cut return policy.




Whizzinator is a product designed to help people pass urine drug tests. It has been in the market for over 15 years and is a popular choice among people who want to avoid failing a urine test. It is a reusable electronic device that holds and heats synthetic urine to body temperature. It is easy to use and has a high success rate. The best part is that it can last up to eight hours without leaking. However, you must ensure that the temperature is maintained throughout this time.


This kit has everything you need to get the job done. It comes with a fake penis that can be worn under clothing, and it also has a waist belt to make it easier to conceal the device. The package also includes a thermometer, syringe, and dehydrated synthetic urine. It is important to note that you should not use this device if you are working in a federally regulated industry such as truck driving. This will be considered a crime and you could be charged with conspiracy to defraud the government.


To use the whizzinator touch, you first need to open the reservoir bag attached to the fake penis. Then, you need to fill it with the synthetic urine. The syringe is used to measure out the correct amount of urine and then it is placed inside the penis. It is important to remember that the synthetic urine needs to be at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit in order to be effective. If it is too hot or too cold, the Whizzinator will not work.

The Whizzinator is available online and can be purchased for a reasonable price. However, there are many fakes on the market and you should only purchase this device from a reputable company. The best way to avoid fraud is by doing a thorough check on the website before entering your credit card details. The site should be secure and have a clear return policy.


A reputable seller should provide instructions on how to use the device and a warranty for it. In addition, they should be able to answer any questions you may have. This will ensure that you are buying a genuine Whizzinator and not a knock-off version. If you are not satisfied with the product, you can always return it within 14 days. Click here to uncover everything you need to know about the Whizzinator amazon.


The Whizzinator is an excellent device for anyone who wants to avoid a urine drug test or is trying to get back into the workforce after a period of unemployment. It is relatively inexpensive and can be used multiple times. It is a great alternative to expensive lab testing, and it is very simple to use. If you follow the steps in the instructions, it is almost guaranteed to work. The only potential issue is that the device may leak if you don’t use it correctly. However, if you are careful and follow the directions, you should be able to pass your urine drug test with no problems. In fact, if you follow the steps precisely, you will probably even be able to pass a surprise urine test!

