The composition of the essay

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The composition of the essay consists of three obligatory elements

The composition of the essay consists of three obligatory elements: introduction, main body, and conclusion. The absence of one of the elements of the composition is considered an error and is taken into account in the scoring.

It is difficult to write the introduction and paper writing websites conclusion; these two parts play a similar role in the composition of the essay.

The function of the introduction is to introduce the topic, to give preliminary, general information about the problem behind the proposed topic. The task of the conclusion is to summarize, summarize what has been said, conclude the text, once again drawing attention to the most important things.

The most common shortcomings in writing the introduction and conclusion: a statement of general information that is not directly related to the topic; expression of one's own enthusiastic attitude to the work or the author, his desire to be like the author or the hero (in this case the conclusion is filled with exclamatory sentences and looks like an incantation); very long, protracted introduction.
