Obstructive Sleep Apnea treated with Modalert 200 mg

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Modalert 200 mg is characterized by episodes of upper airway collapse, accompanied by recurrent oxygen desaturations and arousals from sleep.

Modalert 200 mg is characterized by episodes of upper airway collapse, accompanied by recurrent oxygen desaturations and arousals from sleep. The severity of OSA is graded according to the number of apnea events per hour, or apnea-Hypopnea index (AHI).

Symptoms of this disorder include excessive daytime sleepiness, snoring, choking, and gasping. People with sleep apnea may also experience memory problems, depression, and trouble concentrating. In addition, they may have frequent headaches. People with untreated sleep apnea are at increased risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. They are also at greater risk for car accidents because they tend to nod off while driving or doing other activities that require their full attention.

People with obstructive sleep apnea can be diagnosed by collecting their medical history and performing a physical exam. They can also be tested for obesity, large neck size, and other factors that increase the risk of this condition. A diagnosis can be confirmed by performing a polysomnogram, or sleep study. In some cases, a person’s doctor may ask their roommate or spouse to monitor them during sleep. They can then report any abnormal behavior, such as snoring and sudden stops in breathing.

Buy Modafinil Australia has been shown to reduce the severity of OSA in a small pilot study. However, results from larger, longer trials are needed before it can be recommended for treatment of this disorder. The raceme form of this medication contains two Enantiomers with different pharmacokinetic properties, and the wake-promoting effect is thought to be mediated primarily by the R-enantiomer.

The study involved 40 men with a history of OSA and symptoms consistent with the disorder. They were treated with Modalert for six months. Compared to controls, mean sleep latencies improved in the Modafinil group, but did not normalize. Other objective and subjective measures of sleepiness also showed improvements in the Modalert group, including diary data showing proportionally fewer episodes of falling asleep while doing a task that required their full attention. This improvement, together with the improved functional outcomes and health-related quality of life, suggested that Modalert reduced obstructive sleep apnea.
